The Kidney Research Scientist Core Education and National Training Program (KRESCENT) is incorporating patients into the review of applications.

If you wish to volunteer for this opportunity, please send your name, email address, and phone number to Elisabeth Fowler, Director of Research at the Kidney Foundation of Canada (, or call 613-793-1299.)

For more information please see below:


KRESCENT is a training program for researchers starting out in their careers. It is a national partnership of the Kidney Foundation of Canada (KFOC), the Canadian Society of Nephrology (CSN) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (CIHR-INMD).

The program was developed to enhance kidney research capacity in Canada and to foster collaborative research and knowledge translation.

KRESCENT provides salary support to individuals who are beginning their research careers:

  • Post-Doctoral Fellows: These are individuals who have completed their PhDs and are working with a supervisor on a research program.
  • New Investigators: These are individuals who have started their first position at a university (usually at the assistant professor level). In addition to salary support, New Investigators receive a one-time “start-up infrastructure fund” to help them begin their work.

In addition to the salary, all KRESCENT trainees (once they get into the program) also have access to a curriculum which is provided through two workshops each year.

What will patient partners do?

You will be asked to review the one-page plain language summary of four to six (4-6) research projects (applications).

You will provide your feedback on the following criteria:

  1. Clarity: Is the research summary clear and easy to understand?
  2. Relevance: In your opinion, do you believe that patients will consider this research important?
  3. Suggestions and Feedback: Is there anything you would like the applicant to know?
  4. Any additional comments or questions for the peer review committee?

In addition, if the applicant has indicated that their research project has a patient engagement component, you will be asked to provide your opinion on the level and appropriateness of the patient engagement.

You will also have access to the full application if you wish to read more in-depth about the applicant and their research project.

How will patient partner input be incorporated?

You will be asked to fill out a form and provide a score that will be submitted to KFOC in advance of the peer review meeting for each application you review. You are very welcome to join the peer review meeting and provide your feedback in person, or if you cannot attend the meeting, the Chair of the committee will read your report to the rest of the committee. This feedback will be taken into account by the committee and factored into the overall score the applicant will receive.

The peer review meeting will be held by teleconference call on Wednesday April 25th, 2018from 10:00am-4:00pm EST.

Each applicant will receive your written feedback (anonymously), as well as written feedback from the other peer review members (also anonymously).

What kind of follow up/feedback will patient partners receive?

You will receive a confidential ranking of the applicants who applied to this competition. A de-brief teleconference will also be held in May 2018.


You will receive 2-3 plain language summaries to practice with (we will take these from past applications). A webinar will be organized and you will have the opportunity to share your feedback with the other patient partners, and also to hear in more detail about the KRESCENT program and the peer review process.

Time Commitment:

It is expected that the review of each plain language summary will take between 30-90 minutes. The training webinar is expected to take 60-90 minutes. Finally, the peer review meeting is up to 6 hours (attendance is optional).

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